For the purpose of continuing to fund the capital and operational needs of the public transportation services of the Isabella County Transportation Commission (I-Ride) and its successor within Isabella County, at the same millage level previously approved by the voters in 2020, shall the Constitutional limitation upon the total amount of taxes which may be assessed in one (1) year upon all property within the County of Isabella, Michigan, previously increased by up to 0.9929 of one (1) mill ($0.9929 per $1,000 of Taxable Value) be continued and renewed for a period of four (4) years, 2024 - 2027, inclusive?
If approved and levied in full, this millage will raise an estimated $2,559,742 for the County-wide public transportation services in the first calendar year of the levy. In accordance with State law, a small portion of the millage may also be disbursed to the Downtown Development Authorities of the Cities of Clare, Mt. Pleasant, and Union Township; the Tax Increment Finance Authorities of the City of Mt. Pleasant; and the Brownfield Redevelopment Authority of the City of Mt. Pleasant.
The current GTFS can be found here