* Respect the driver and other passengers
* You must stay seated at all times and use seat belts
* No eating or drinking
* Keep hands to yourself
* No foul language
* No loud voices
* Electronic devices should be silenced or used with earbuds/headphones
* Keep windows closed
* Any vandalism will result in immediate suspension
* Prepaid rides are not accepted
RULE VIOLATIONS will result in the following:
1st Offense Warning with Parents/Guardian called
2nd Offense Suspended from service
The ICTC reserves the right to immediately suspend for behaviors and violations that warrant such action.
PARENTS MUST CONTACT I-Ride with all ride changes.
If your child does not have a ride scheduled, I-Ride will not transport.
If your child is not riding for any reason, call I-Ride at 989.772.9441 as soon as possible to cancel. No Show fees may be charged for missed rides. Three missed rides in a row will lead to a cancellation of all calls.
1. Please be patient the first couple of weeks of the school year. It can take that amount of time for all ride reservations to be made, coordinated and accommodated.
2. Please review the Bus Rules with your child(ren). Make sure they understand our drivers will not tolerate bad behavior. The first infraction will have us contacting you, the parent. The second infraction will result in suspension of service.
3. It is the responsibility of the Parent/Guardian to contact I-Ride with any ride changes and please notify your child(ren) of any changes.
4. If your child(ren) will not be riding due to illness or other absence, please CALL I-Ride to cancel the ride. This is a courtesy not only to us, but also to other riders who have to wait for someone not riding!
5. Please contact I-Ride with any contact information changes. If there is an emergency, we will need updated phone numbers to contact you.
6. When inclement weather arrives, remember to listen to your local radio station or turn on TV 9&10. There will be announcements with regard to our service availability.
The current GTFS can be found here